Lengua munsee
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La lengua munsee (conossuda anca cont el nom ingles Delaware) l’è vun di su sotlinguagg de la lingua delaware (o Lenape o Lunaapeew). La parten a la famija di lengue algonchine e l’era parlada di nativ american stanziad in di territori che al dì d’incoeu corrisponden ai stat de New York e Pennsylvania. L’è ona lengua adree a estingues che la resta viva infra i poch vegg de la riserva indiana de Moravian (Ontario, Canada)[1].
La lengua l’è compagna de la lengua unami (oramai estinta), tant che la pussee part di studios la considera i do lengue ‘me dialet de la lingua delaware, ciapad insema cont el mahican, segond on quai linguista, farissen su el grup di lengue delawaran.[2]
[Modifega | modifica 'l sorgent]Bibliografia
[Modifega | modifica 'l sorgent]- Blalock, Lucy; Pearson, Bruce; Rementer, James, 1994, The Delaware Language., Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Delaware Tribe of Indians.
- Costa, David J. 2007 The dialectology of Southern New England Algonquian in Papers of the 38th Algonquian Conference pag=81-127 Winnipeg, University of Manitoba
- Delaware Nation Council, 1992, Lunaapeew Dictionary. Basic Words. Part One., Moraviantown, Delaware Nation Council.
- Goddard, Ives, 1974, « The Delaware Language, Past and Present. », Herbert C. Kraft ed., A Delaware Indian Symposium, pagg. 103-110, Anthropological Series No. 4, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
- Goddard, Ives 1978 Delaware in Handbook of North American Indians vol. 15 The Smithsonian Institution, Washington
- Goddard, Ives 1979 Comparative Algonquian Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun, University of Texas Press in The languages of Native America, Austin
- Goddard, Ives 1982 Munsee historical phonology in International Journal of American Linguistics pagg. 16-48
- Gordon, Raymond G. 2005 Ethnologue: Languages of the World SIL International, Dallas
- O'Meara, John 1996 Delaware/English - English/Delaware Dictionary University of Toronto Press
- Pearson, Bruce, 1988, A Grammar of Delaware: Semantics, Morpho-Syntax, Lexicon, Phonology., Dewey, Oklahoma, Touching Leaves Indian Crafts.
- Snow, Dean, 1978, « Late prehistory of the East coast. », Bruce Trigger ed., Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 15, Northeast, pag. 58, Washington, The Smithsonian Institution.